The Incredible Years®

The Incredible Years® are weekly parenting groups designed to improve child-rearing decisions and strengthen families. The program was developed by Carolyn Webster-Stratton, Professor Emeritus, at the University of Washington. Studies show the program reduces aggression and behavior problems, and improves social skills. The Incredible Years® groups provides a consistent, family-friendly curriculum that includes meals and childcare for the duration of group meetings.

In 2007, the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) awarded Morrison Child and Family Services the Science to Service Award, in the Mental Health Promotion category, for our implementation of The Incredible Years®. The Incredible Years® parenting groups offered at Morrison are funded by the Portland Children’s Levy, private donors, and Washington County.

Whom We Help

We provide services for parents with children who are ages 3 to 12.

Language Accessibility

Services are provided in English. Some groups are available in Spanish.

Contact Us

For more information, contact us at 503-258-4381 or

©2015 The Incredible Years®, Inc. All rights reserved. “THE INCREDIBLE YEARS®” and all related trademarks are owned by The Incredible Years®, Inc. USA. Limited use of trademarks and copyrighted material is by license from The Incredible Years®, Inc. All program materials must be ordered through